
Leave Report

The reports section is a cumulative analysis for all the stored data in the system's database and the Leaves Report accumulates data for all the leaves taken by individual employees. It records data
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Income vs Expense Report

The reports section is a cumulative analysis for all the stored data in the system's database and the Income vs Expense Report accumulates the data for all the income and expenses of the company.
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Finance Report

The reports section is a cumulative analysis for all the stored data in the system's database and the Finance Report accumulates data for all the earnings made by the company, along with a line chart
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Time Log Report

The reports section is a cumulative analysis for all the stored data in the system's database, and Time Log Report works as a space for keeping track of the number of hours logged over the duration
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Task Report

The reports section is a cumulative analysis for all the stored data in the system's database, and Task Report stores similar data for all the data stored concerning tasks alone. This section
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Attendance Report

The reports section is a cumulative analysis for all the stored data in the system's database and the Attendance Report accumulates data for the attendance of all the employees working in the office.
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