Expenses are a few extra expenditures that an employee spends for the completion of tasks or projects concerning the organization. This section records the expense data that employees feed in for redemption from the organization. It records the fed-in data in a tabular manner consisting of information such as item name, price, employee details, purchased from, purchased date, status, and a few extra options including viewing, editing, and deletion.

The "Add Expense" option on the top left corner permits you to add the details of the expense that happened and wait for approval of redemption from the organization's end. This pre-generated form requires some basic details that are recorded in the table along with a billing document for record purposes. Once the organization approves the expense, then the amount is redeemed to the employee immediately on their next salary payment as per the organization's convenience.

Individual expenses can be viewed by using the view option accessible from the three dots on the right end. The individual detail of the expense includes the details as mentioned in the table with a few additional information for record purposes which describes the details for the product bought.

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