Expenses are a few extra expenditures that an employee spends for the completion of tasks or projects concerning the organization. This section records the expense data that employees feed in for
Credit Notes are the amount of an invoice that isn't refunded but recorded in the database such that it is redeemed by the client in their next invoice/payment. This is created when any paid invoice
The payments section is mainly responsible for recording all the transactions made to the organization by the clients. The data is recorded in a tabular format for convenience. It records details
An invoice is a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer relating to a sale transaction and indicating the products, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services the seller had
Estimates are documentation concerning the expected monetary expenditure that might be spent while working on the project presented to the client before proceeding. It allows a platform for the two
The proposal is mainly for Leads. This section holds all the proposed budget along with the project details that were presented by the lead. Once the proposal presented is approved, then it can be