The payments section is mainly responsible for recording all the transactions made to the organization by the clients. The data is recorded in a tabular format for convenience. It records details such as the concerning project, invoice number, order number, amount, payment date, the status of payment along with editing, viewing, and deleting options. The data can be filtered depending on the project name, or status of the payment.

The "Add Payment" option available on the top left corner permits you to add the details in the pre-generated form in the allotted slots to record the payment details for future reference. Once the details are properly entered, the data is recorded in a tabular format for quick reference and organizational record.

Each payment detail is viewed individually where details such as the amount, payment date, invoice, project, transaction id, payment status, and additional details are available. These are viewed using the view option available in the drop-down menu accessed from the three dots on the right end.

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